
The whole team at Bryntysilio Outdoor Education Centre in Llangollen passionately believe people of all ages, and all physical capabilities, should have access to outdoor education and adventurous activities.

Our staff have a wealth of experience working with adults and children across a range of outdoor, indoor, land-based and water-based activities.

Occasionally, we will need to make adjustments to our standard offering to best support all of our visitors. To ensure every visitor gets the most from their experience, it is important to advise us at the time of booking if your group has any access needs to allow us the opportunity to tailor your accommodation and activity programme accordingly.

Whether you are booking on behalf of a school group or visiting with your friends & family, we are here to help with every detail, but we must advise you that you also hold a responsibility to ensure it is suitable for all members of the party. To help you, we have prepared a guide to our centre, highlighting specific areas for your consideration.


    We can offer a relatively flat facility with plenty of hard surfacing.  We offer a dedicated on-site accessible toilet and shower on our ground floor.

    Our new Summer Village Bell tents are wheelchair accessible, with plenty of room to store a wheelchair/other support aids.

  • We have a small fleet of mini busses that are all suitable and have ample space to transport all to their adventures. Please get in touch to ask any specific questions.

  • We undertake rigorous safety precautions and briefings before activities can take place. This includes details of our ratios and staffing. We require all participants to understand and follow the behavioural expectations, and the consequences of not following our rules and guidance. If we feel it is not safe, it will not take place.

    If required, we may be able to provide additional instructors to support additional needs. This is why it is essential we are informed at the time of booking.

    We want to help tackle the barriers and challenges that some adults and children face. It cannot be underestimated how beneficial outdoor learning is to all. With detailed planning, we believe the outdoors can be enjoyed by all. Our activities have varying degrees of physical and mental challenge to them and some require a small level of fitness. All our instructors hold first aid qualifications but are not always qualified to assess the capacity of participants who may require additional support. It remains your responsibility to undertake an assessment of the risks involved prior to and during participation.